Aug 04, 2024


Accounts involved in refunds will be banned from the game along with all associated devices and IPs. Starting from August 5th, accounts that intentionally purchase silk from refund accounts will also be subject to account bans.

1. What are Illegal Top-Up and Refund Scams?

Taking advantage of the refund policy for in-app purchases, through websites, third-party top-up agents, Facebook ads offering discounted top-ups, etc., with discounts of 30%, 50%, or even more compared to the official prices of the game.

After using these illegal top-up channels for a while, they will request a refund from the store, leading to serious consequences. This may inadvertently expose your account information, leaving it unprotected and unsupported in case of financial loss or other issues.

2. Consequences of Illegal Top-Up and Refund Scams

Non-official top-up channels are not protected by the Publisher. Accounts engaging in these activities will be permanently BANNED WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.

3. Important Notes

The only official top-up page: https://pay.gamocorp.com/
. All other advertised sites are SCAMS.
For the benefit of all players and to maintain fairness, the publisher urges everyone to support and join hands in saying no to Illegal Top-Ups and Refund Scams!

Thank you.