Term Of User

Apr 14, 2024

This Terms of Service (hereinafter "Terms") explains the contract items that apply to the user (hereinafter "customer" "consumer" "to whom it may concern" "user") as the user utilizes websites, mobile apps, software, etc. (hereinafter "Services") operated by GOSU Co., Ltd (hereinafter the "Company").

Carefully review the Terms before using the Services.

1. The Company can always change or modify the Terms in accordance with relevant legislation at the Company's discretion.

2. When changes occur in the Terms, the Company must notify the user of the changes with a notice. The Company must also include the date of the changes in the top or bottom part of the Terms in a way that the user can check the changes.

3. If the user continues to use the Services provided by the Company after the changed Terms are posted, it is assumed that the user recognizes and agrees with the change in the Terms.

The user agrees to the Terms being electronically entered, as well as the records related to the Terms being saved in an electronic format.

I. Service Access and Use

II. Account Registration and Management for Service Use

III. License and Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Claim

IV. Payment and Responsibilities During Service Use

V. Prohibited Actions During Service Use

VI. Service, Contents, And Network of Other Companies

VII. Limitations in Responsibility

VIII. Dispute Resolution

IX. Miscellaneous


I. Service Access and Use

The user must agree to the Terms to access and use the Services provided by the Company.

Services and the game are not available in countries and regions that are not officially included in the service regions. When the user attempts to use or uses the Company's Services from somewhere that is not a service region, access can be blocked and use can be suspended. The Company assumes no responsibility for any and all damages that occur when using its Services without approval.

Regions and countries where Services are available: Game access and use are allowed in all regions and countries in Southeast Asia.

Countries in which Services are available can be changed in the future depending on the decisions made by the Company, with the changes notified in advance.

Additional terms, conditions, and policies (hereinafter "Additional Terms") apply in using some of the additional Services. In such cases, the user must agree to the Additional Terms before using related Services.

In cases where the Terms of this service conflict with the details of the Additional Terms, or if none of the contents of the Terms apply, the Terms are replaced by the Additional Terms related to the topics specified in the Additional Terms.

Services provided by the Company are not available for those under the age of 16, regardless of the download availability on different platforms. However, depending on the laws or policies of the user's country of residence, these policies may apply differently.

The Company may request the user to create an account to use Services provided by the Company. If the user has not logged in or has not created an account, they may not be able to access parts of the Services or features, and we will not be able to provide help if any damages occur.

The Company can apply updates to the Services at the Company's discretion and according to the Company's judgment.

The user agrees that the Company can not only access devices that use its Services without limitations but also provide updates remotely and automatically.

The Company can send, collect, and save the user's personal information outside the country of the user's residence (including countries and regions where there may not be equivalent information protection regulation), and the user understands and agrees that some or all of their personal information can be sent, collected, and saved outside the country to provide stable service.

II. Account Registration and Management for Service Use

To use the Services provided by the Company normally and without limits, you may have to register for a membership and register your account. The user is responsible for issues that may occur while using the service without creating an account.

After account registration, the user must use the Services with their own account. The user is responsible for the information required for the use and management of the account.

The user who created the account is responsible for problems that occur with inadequate account management.

The user is entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account's access information.

The user must not allow a third party to access or use the user's account, or share the access information with a third party. The user cannot receive any help if any issues or damages occur from doing so.

III. License and Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Claim

1. License

In principle, the user has no ownership of any contents created, purchased, and obtained from the use of the service provided by the Company, and the user understands and agrees that they are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and cancellable license to use the Services.

The Company owns and possesses ownership, rights, and interests, including intellectual property rights, of all Services they provide and all items required for the use of service.

The service name, service mark, trademark, all source code, database, function, software, website design, audio, video, text, image, and graphic content (collectively hereinafter "Content") of the Services provided by the Company is owned by the Company,

and no rights or licenses are granted to the user, individual, or group without prior agreement by the Company in advance.

2. Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Claim

We respect others' intellectual property rights. If your work or another's intellectual property rights are deemed to have been infringed, you can contact and notify the Company with the following information.

A list of assets or works with intellectual property rights of which intellectual property rights are claimed to have been infringed.
Reasonable and sufficient information with which to identify and find data suspected of infringing on intellectual property rights.
The user's name, address, and phone number, as well as email address if possible.
Testimony of the fact that the information in the report is correct and that they will receive punishment for perjury. Testimony that they have the right to raise a lawsuit on behalf of the owner of the exclusive rights which is questioned to have been infringed.
Testimony that they believe, in good faith, that using the data in the manner raised in the complaint has not been approved by the intellectual property owner, procurator, or legislation.
Physical or electronic signature of the person who has the authority to take action in place of the owner of exclusive rights that are questioned to have been infringed.


3rd Floor, HH2 Bac Ha Building, No.15 To Huu street, Nhan Chinh ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.

Email: [email protected]

IV. Payment and Responsibilities During Service Use

While using the Services, the user can obtain virtual currency and items in the game, and use the store (hereinafter "store") online or within the game.

The user agrees to pay the entire price, including fees and relevant taxes that occur with using the Services, within the limit permitted by relevant legislation.

The Company owns the right to change the value of virtual currency or items sold at the store at any time without prior notice.

When obtaining virtual currency and items through the Services, various payment methods provided by the Company (credit card, automatic transfer, etc.) can be used.

When using other payment and billing services, the user may have to agree to the terms related to the use of each provider and may be charged additional costs, according to such terms. It is the user's responsibility to pay taxes imposed by each country and local organizations related to the purchase and use of virtual currency and items in the Services provided by the Company.

The Company will inform users in advance about content or paid items that are non-refundable among the content only accessible upon purchase. In principle, content or products that are successfully purchased at the user's discretion cannot be refunded for any reason.

If an account is permanently blocked, all rights to use all content licenses, virtual currency balances, and items related to the account will be lost. The Company has no responsibility to, and will not compensate, any and all lost virtual currency, points, items, etc. that occur from the violation of the Terms by the user.

Each item acquired using virtual currency or goods will be included in the account until the expiration date of the item, or the termination of the account, Terms, or Services.

Regardless of the reason, if a charge approved by the user is refunded without any prior agreement with the Company, the user's account can be temporarily suspended or deleted. Accounts associated with these refunded accounts through trading items from refunded accounts without any prior agreement with the Company will be subject to temporary or permanent account suspension.

To regain access to an account that has been suspended, the amount refunded must be paid using another credit card or another payment method. The Company is not responsible for credit card or bank-related charges or fees related to the user's transaction.

The Company has the right to limit the order quantity of an item or refuse to provide the item to the user without any prior notice.

Notwithstanding these Terms, legislation of the user's country of residence may apply to the purchase of virtual items and Services provided to the user. The user may gain rights specified in relevant legislation or relief measures within the range in which the legislation applies.

V. Prohibited Actions During Service Use

There can be civil and criminal consequences associated with attempts to disturb or impair service operations, as well as for system or network security violations.

The Company may consult law enforcement institutions for investigations and provide relevant information to prosecute a user who violates the Terms.

If the Company discovers any actions by the user that violate the Terms or are reasonably suspected of violating them, the Company reserves the right to withhold, temporarily suspend, modify, or terminate the user's access to its Services at any time and for any reason without notice, except as otherwise required by applicable law.

According to relevant legislation, forbidden acts include the following.

Fraudulent activities that involve hacking, cracking, using bots or third-party software, or any other misconduct that can temporarily or permanently modify the Services' code or user experience using applications, software, or technology, which cannot be performed without the use of such applications, software, or technology.
Discovering, or attempting to discover, all source code, algorithm, method, or technology used or actualized in the Services.
Misrepresenting an individual or group, falsifying a testimony about the user's affiliation, identity, or the origin of data sent by the user, or falsely testifying that the user's testimony or actions were approved by the Company.
Any act that involves duplicating or circumventing the structure of the Services or the Content contained within it in any way using applications or other manual or automatic devices or processes.
Any act of removing, altering, or concealing copyright, trademark, patent, or other ownership notices, legends, symbols, or labels (including watermarks or other digital rights management technologies or other included information) included in the Services.
Any act or attempt to impose an unreasonably or irregularly large load on the network or infrastructure.
Hosting, providing, or developing in-between service for the Company's Services without prior approval, or forming, using, or maintaining illegal connection to the Services.
Intercepting, emulating, or redirecting communication protocol used by the Company or nominee through any means.
Using or attempting to use viruses, malware, other computer codes, files, programs, software, routines, or devices that is designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the Company's system or network function/operation.
Participating, encouraging, or facilitating service denial attacks or similar acts, or attempting to investigate, scan, test, or violate the system or network security.
Using or attempting to use macros, automatic play, or programs or methods that allow automatic operation or action of the user in the game (or all characters controlled by the user) regardless of whether or not the user is operating the controls.
Illegally distributing data without the Company's approval or advertising or promoting items or services (spam, promotional data, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or other forms of illegal suggestions, etc.)
Any behavior including but not limited to harmful, harassing, defamatory, obscene, indecent, hateful, threatening, abusive, provocative, discriminatory, violent, or incitement to violence, including self-harm.
Any behavior that includes stalking, sexually explicit or other offensive conduct, robbery, theft, murder, sexual remarks, or curses.
Exploiting defects, undocumented issues, or program bugs to create, exploit, or trade in-game items generated or copied through such means.
Posting or sharing another user's personal information or important undisclosed information about the Company without consent.
Based on the judgment of the Company, participating in or all attempts to participate in acts that cause tangible responsibility, or damage to the Company, user, or another third party.

VI. Service, Contents, And Network of Other Companies

Users may use platforms of other companies such as App Store, Google Play Store, etc. to use the Services, and may be connected or included in the service or content provided by other companies (including user content posted on the forum).

Users may need to install additional software, register additional accounts, agree to terms by other companies, and take other measures before using the Services.

Using services or contents of other companies connected to the Company's Services is the user's responsibility, and other companies' terms and conditions apply.

The Company is not responsible for any issues that may occur with the use of services or contents of other companies connected to the Company's Services.

When using the Services provided by the Company the user's device can be connected to other companies' networks, and fees may apply upon the use of such networks.

All costs and fees related to service access and use such as Internet service provider costs, communication costs, text message costs, broadband costs, and cost of all devices and equipment used in relation to the Services are solely the user's responsibility.

VII. Limitations in Responsibility

The Company does not guarantee that the existence and details of its Services are permanent.

The Company does not guarantee the legality, integrity, safety, or accuracy of any website, platform, etc. that can be accessed through links (not directly provided by the Company) or contents of a third party that is included in, or connected to, the Company's Services.

The Company does not take responsibility for the deletion, loss, problems, or damage to the data or information related to the Company's Services or equipment.

In some cases, service use could be paused due to reasons related to technical issues or maintenance, and the user agrees that the Company is not responsible for the inability of the user to use its Services or loss of information, data, transaction, or other information and data caused by the pause of service use.

The Company is not responsible for the user's damages caused by unauthorized access to its Services, infiltration of a computer virus, or acts by a third party.

- Access to and use of the game system is the sole responsibility of the user. Our entire legal responsibility lies in the game service being provided and is limited by law. The Company is not and will not be a party to any transaction between the customer and a third party. The Company is not responsible for disputes between the user and a third party caused by the use of its Services.

The Company is not responsible for direct or indirect damages caused by device malfunction, error, or information exposure due to the user or a third party's malware, spyware, virus, or hacking.

The Company may modify or change the provided Services as required and does not take responsibility for any possible material, intangible, direct, or indirect damages.

Upon use of services provided by other companies that are included in or connected to the Company's Services, the user must sufficiently understand, review, and agree with the other companies' terms and conditions, and the user must take full responsibility for the damages and danger that could occur with using said services.

If the user has a complaint about part of the Services or the conditions of the related contract, the only and exclusive relief method for the user is to cease use of the Services.

VIII. Dispute Resolution

Unrelated to the law conflict principle or the user's country of residence, the user agrees that the application of The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is exclusively excluded.

If there is a claim against the Company, it is highly recommended that the solution be found through the Company's customer support.

In relation to disputes, the user must actively participate in any mediation provided by the Company, and upon agreeing with this, the user agrees to abandon all rights to litigate the dispute through the court and allow a judge or jury to decide the user's case.

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Vietnam. Users agree to designate the Vietnam courts as the competent jurisdiction for any disputes or lawsuits arising from or related to the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy.

Within the range permitted by relevant legislation, all disputes in relation to this contract must be raised in the small claims court or the mediation process within 1 year.

The 1 year period starts from the first point at which the dispute or dispute notification can be first submitted. It is permanently forbidden if the dispute is not raised within 1 year.

IX. Miscellaneous

Users and members shall agree that translated versions of the Terms are only provided for their convenience; only the English Terms apply to the relationship between users and the Company.

In case of any discrepancies between the English Terms and the translated Terms, the English Terms take precedence.

If any of the Articles in these Terms is found to be illegal or unenforceable, that Article will be removed, and the remaining Terms will remain in full effect. However, the removed Article will be replaced with the most closely matching enforceable Article that reflects the fundamental intent of the unenforceable Article.

The Company not actively using the rights in the Articles or not responding to the user's violation does not mean that it relinquishes the rights to respond to the violation or to enforce the Terms in the future.