Jul 15, 2024

📲 Time New Server: 10:00 AM (GMT+8) July 16, 2024
🔰 It has been almost two weeks since Silkroad Origin Mobile officially launched, and surely our travelers have experienced many thrilling adventures and intense battles. During this time, you have discovered countless tips and strategies to conquer the world of Silkroad, right? Let's share those valuable experiences to progress together and build a stronger gaming community!
🔥 Participation Rules: Travelers will create and share content related to guides (how to level up quickly, how to get gold, silk,...), gear building guides, newbie guides, tower climbing guides, job guides (trader, hunter, thief) or any other in-game topics... in the form of images or videos.
🔥 How to Participate:
During the event period, travelers will write and share game experience guides and post them on the Group Silkroad Origin Mobile [Official Group]
The Post Content should include:
✓ In-game Character Name + Server
✓ Post Content: The post must be clear, useful, and engaging, with a minimum of 200 words.
✓ Your post needs to include images or videos.
✓ Include Hashtag: #SECRETTRAVEL
After the post is approved, travelers should fill out the form: with the event participation information.
🎁 Every eligible post will receive a gift.
🔹 Dissolve Stone*5
🔹 20% damage increase/absorption scroll*2
🔹 Skill Point Restore Bottle*10
🎁 Additionally, the admin will select posts for rewards, including:
📌 03 First, Second, and Third Place prizes for the 3 best posts as judged by the team.
🔹 TOP 1: 10 Pet Egg Rare - 1 Skill Restoration Tome - Vip Strength and Intellect Increase Scroll*2
🔹 TOP 2: 10 Pet Egg Rare - 1 Skill Restoration Tome
🔹 TOP 3: 10 Pet Egg Rare - Vip Strength and Intellect Increase Scroll*2
📌 01 Community Favorite prize for the post with the highest interaction (likes): 10 Pet Egg Rare - 1 Skill Restoration Tome
📌 01 Active Community prize for the post with the most comments: 10 Pet Egg Rare - 1 Skill Restoration Tome
📌 01 Consolation prize for the post with the lowest interaction: 5 Pet Egg Rare
📌 10 Encouragement prizes for the 10 posts with the highest interaction (excluding Community Favorite and Active Community prizes): 5 Pet Egg Rare Vip Strength and Intellect Increase Scroll*1
⏰ Event Duration: from 15.07 to 22.07
⏰ Prize Announcement: after the event ends
⏰ Prize Distribution: 72 hours from the prize announcement post
❌ Posts must be at least 200 words long.
❌ Using images or videos of others will disqualify the participant.
❌ Posts must include the hashtag and be fully filled out in the participation form to be eligible.
❌ Not counted as spam
❌ Admin's decision is final.
We look forward to receiving interesting guide posts from our travelers, so read the rules, check the timeline, and join the event now!