Cross-server Arena

Dec 05, 2024

Dear Traveler,

We are excited to announce the new feature in version 1.3.0: Cross-server Arena!


1. Description

  • Keep the entire Arena mechanism intact, but the matchmaking scope will be all servers that have held 2 Arena seasons.
  • Inter-Server Arena activities will be an upgraded version of Arena activities when the server is eligible.
  • Each season will last 3 weeks.
  • Activity time: 9:00-11:00 and 20:00-22:00 (UTC +8) daily
  • When searching for a match, players can match with other players on the same server or different servers

2. Cross-Server Ranking

  • When the server opens the Arena Cross-Server activity, all Arena Rankings will be replaced with the Arena Cross-Server Ranking
  • The higher the Arena Cross-Server score, the higher the rank will be
  • In case the players have the same score, the ranking position will prioritize the player's level to rank. In case the players have the same score and the same level, the player who reaches the score earlier will be ranked higher.

3. Rewards

  • Arena Cross-Server will still use the rewards of the Arena activity