Guild War

Dec 09, 2024

Dear Traveler,

We are excited to announce the new feature in version 1.3.0: Guild War!

Registration conditions

- When the Guild reaches level 2, the Guild War feature will be opened

- The Guild Leader has the right to pre-select the members who will participate, up to 40 people.


Guild War mode. Divided into 2 modes:

- Guild Challenge: Challenge a certain Guild

- Free Challenge: Send invitations to all Guilds


How to challenge

- The Guild Leader can create a room to challenge

- For Guild Challenge. The Guild Leader will choose the time of the match, and choose the Guild to send the invitation.

- For free challenge. The Guild Leader will choose the time of the match, and send invitations to all Guilds at the same time


How to participate

- When 2 Guilds agree to the challenge invitation, they will start competing with each other according to the selected time

- Members of each Guild can register to participate. When registering, you can bet on Gold or Silk

- The Guild Master or Vice Guild Master will select up to 40 members to participate. Members who are not selected at the end of the preparation period will have their bets refunded



Competition time

Divided into 3 stages:

- Preparation stage:

+ From the challenge time to the readiness stage

+ During the preparation stage, if the number of registered members is less than 20, the Guild Master can cancel the challenge

+ During this stage, members can register and bet on Gold or Silk. Registered members can cancel their registration and will receive all their bets back immediately

- Preparation phase:

+ 12 hours before the match starts

+ The list of participants and the bet level will be finalized and cannot be changed

+ In case the preparation phase has 10 seconds left, if the Guild leader has not selected anyone to participate in the battle, the system will automatically select members according to the registered list from high to low combat power

- The match phase:

+ Waiting room time is 5 minutes. The selected members will join the waiting room

+ The match time is 20 minutes. Only members in the waiting room can compete


How to compete

- 2 Guilds compete with each other. When a member dies, he or she can automatically revive after 5 seconds at the respawn location.

- The competition map will be divided into 2 areas:

+ Respawn area: Players of each Guild will appear in their own area and cannot enter each other's area

+ Battle area: is the area where players will compete with each other


How to calculate wins and losses

- When destroying another Guild member, each member will be awarded 1 point

- The Guild whose member kills the first life will receive bonus points

- Members who consecutively destroy other Guild members will receive bonus points

- After the specified time, the Guild with the highest score will win. In case 2 Guilds have the same score, it will be considered a draw




- The total bet amount will be based on the Guild with the lower bet level. Therefore, the excess bet amount will be returned to the Guild members with the higher total bet level.

- The winning Guild will receive the bet amount back + 95% of the losing Guild's bet amount

- The losing Guild will lose all the bet amount

- In case 2 Guilds tie. Bets will be returned to the 2 Guilds, no system fees.